Meet the pt

17 years training, 6 years PT experience.

Hi, I'm Leon Bartholomew

I started my fitness journey in 2007 in my late teens. It took a lot of hard work and dedication to reach the desired physique I wanted. Once acquired not only did it boost my confidence, it helped mentally and also played a big role when it came to working in various jobs when it came to heavy lifting and pacing around a busy environment. It also gave me a more positive outlook on life.

I learnt a lot about what food to eat to help aid me with my workouts and stay in shape as that is one of the most crucial aspects of staying fit and healthy.
Working out isn't just about looking good as you may already now, it is beneficial for the mind and your overall wellbeing. To this day I have stayed consistent with fitness and I want to help you do the same.
I am here to guide you from beginning to end and help you utilise various methods of training to achieve your desired body goal.
I have had experience as a spin bike instructor/boxing instructor and boot camp instructor.

I specialise in hypertrophy training, strength training, Calisthenics, and functional training (HIIT) . So if you are looking to sculpt, tone, lose weight or build muscle mass I will guide you in the right direction to get the physique you desire.
Whether you are a college/Uni student, have a full time job, or being a parent, you may be sidetracked and be demotivated to train due to a busy and stressful weekly routine. And for those who are retired you may want to keep active strong and healthy to help with your everyday task.
That’s where I come in and help you get motivated, confident and feeling good about yourself.
Longevity is a key aspect when it comes to staying fit and healthy, so lets get started on your fitness journey and invest in yourself.