Tina, 58

Following a heart attack Jan 2023, Tina knew something had to change.

Tina has made massive improvements to her health, appearance and confidence – all from changing her food and exercise habits. She has stayed active consistently 4-5 times a week. Tina goes to the gym and participates in personal training sessions with me, she also participates in fitness classes and does swimming also. She has lost 4 stone in 5 months and continues to lose weight.

This goes to show you can recover from a serious health scare and still exercise and get on with life to the fullest.



Aaron, 30+

Aaron has come a long way, he first started training with me in the early stages of 2023. 

He loves running and takes part in long distance running  events every few months. I design session plans tailored to assist with his running. A few examples of exercises that we cover on some sessions include smith machine squats, Tibialis raises, calf raises, hamstring curls and leg extensions. These exercises strengthen Aaron’s leg muscles and help prevent any injuries during his long distance running.

If there is a goal set  Aaron puts his mind to it and knocks down targets without fail, he works hard just like all my clients and gets results!

He has gone from a waist size 36 to a waist size 30 in under a year.


Chase, 32

Meet my friend Chase, who has one of the most incredible success stories I have EVER seen. After graduating college, Saint took a desk job as a computer programmer and watched as his weight slowly started to creep up…like every other average American. Over the past two years, he was able to slowly and steadily bring that down before having an incredible breakthrough that allowed him to transform drastically. Here’s how he did it.